How to use vcv rack
How to use vcv rack

You can play with the REL on the DADSR(H) to tweak the ducking length. And it has applications in pretty much any type of music to be honest – you can use gating like this on drums and drum loops even, and especially on reverb sends. You hear this used a lot on drone music and in drones in techno. This is useful beyond just the trance gate effect. You can obviously tweak the kick pattern and envelope settings for different effects. And you’ll get a rhythmic gating effect on the pad.

how to use vcv rack

You may then need to tweak the envelope settings so that its very short. But then you put the kick on every even step of a 16 step sequence, i.e. So to make a trance gate in VCV Rack you use the sidechain example above on a pad, but mute the kick so you cannot hear it. This technique is used in trance a lot – often called a trance gate… This then means you make pretty much any kick sequence you like to gate the pad in nice rhythmic patterns for example. You can even go a step further and make a second kick channel and mute it so you cannot hear it, and use that kick just for side chaining. if you have a pad and you want to gate it, or make it lower in volume rhythmically, you can sidechain it to a kick too. You can also use this sidechain techno it to gate pretty much anything – i.e. I don’t want it to open up the VCA momentarily and then close it, but I want it to close it momentarily.

how to use vcv rack

I used the DADSR(H) in inverted mode – I want it to do the exact negative/opposite of an envelope. Which is the sidechaining/ducking effect we want. This mean the envelope will fire at the same time as the kick from the sequencer, and because this is inverted, it drops the volume on VCA-2 when the kick hits. The kick channel on the Drum Sequencer is also routed to the trigger the DADSR(H) envelope. Then the DADSR(H) module modulates the VCA (the volume of the tone). This is sent through a VCA-2 unit that sets the volume for the tone. Row 1: a simple kick drum beat with a Drum Sequencer (clocked by Gnome) and Trummor2 as the kick drum sound source. The Bog Audio DADSR(H) is good for this – it is an envelope generator, but it has a feature where you can invert the envelope, which is ideal for what we need. The envelope is triggered by the kick and drops the volume of the VCA when the kick plays.

how to use vcv rack

In this VCV Rack example there is an envelope and VCA to do the same thing as a compressor normally would – to duck.

how to use vcv rack

When you press Q on your keyboard to run the drum sequencer you can hear the tone dropping in volume. Download the file and you can hear the tone running.

How to use vcv rack